Several regions today are engaged in widespread conflicts that have displaced millions globally. The Middle East, Central Africa, East Africa, and Eastern Europe are all witnessing some of the largest hostilities that could have global repercussions.

East Asia is seeing rising tensions as the Chinese government aims for ambitions towards Taiwan and the South China Sea. North Korea and South Korea have heightened tensions not seen since the 2010 shelling, and Russo-Japanese relations have worsened.

Rising security threats in a turbulent geopolitical environment indirectly create new alliances through military and diplomatic measures in the region. With China, Russia, and North Korea growing closer, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan reciprocate the new challenges.

Rising Threats and Growing Alliances in East Asia

The People’s Republic of China is building a military rivaling the United States. The purpose is to overtake America as the top global superpower and eventually make a move toward Taiwan. China also maintains an aggressive posture in the South China Sea against Vietnam and the Philippines and in the Sea of Japan against Japan.

Russia and Japan are currently witnessing a degree of diplomatic hostilities. Moscow withdrew from the peace treaty talks over the Kuril Islands with Tokyo on March 21st, 2022. Discussions over the Kuril Islands are instrumental as Russia has been occupying and militarizing the Japanese-recognized islands since WWII.

The Korean Peninsula is also witnessing heightened tensions as the DPRK, also known as North Korea, is engaging in warlike rhetoric against the ROC, also known as South Korea. Recently, the ruling tyrant of North Korea, Kim Jun Un, disengaged from peace talks toward reunification with the south and threatened war with both Seoul and Tokyo.

Chinese Military
Chinese Military rehearsals via Reuters

Tripartite One: Russia, China, and North Korea

Russia, China, and North Korea, despite being ideologically different, are all aligned in foreign policy interests, particularly in wanting an authoritative hegemony over their neighbors.